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Special Time

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"What if you had the superpower to heal your child's emotional hurt after medical procedures? What if you could foster resilience in your child with just 1 hour a week? This is possible with Special Time."


Play Listening

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"Unleash the Power of Laughter and Joy

Imagine you had the power to heal a child with laughter, wouldn't that be wonderful. With Play Listening, we can do just that."


Loving Limits

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"Validation of a child's emotional world is crucial to raising a person who trusts their own instincts and is confident in their life decisions."



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"By listening to our child, cry and tantrum while staying calm and present allows the process of co-regulation to happen. The child is able to express and therefore process the difficult emotions in the presence of an adult that offers a safe space."

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Listening Partnerships

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"The gift of listening - Embracing our powerlessness is the most empowering experience we will ever have."

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Zoom Event: Supporting children emotionallay through medical treatment

Zoom Event: Supporting children emotionallay through medical treatment

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For families with medical needs - Hand in Hand Parenting with Johanna Berglein

For families with medical needs - Hand in Hand Parenting with Johanna Berglein

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Trauma informed emotional support for families with medical needs - Johanna Berglein

Trauma informed emotional support for families with medical needs - Johanna Berglein

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Etwas ausprobieren? Versuchs mal mit


  • Finde 5-20 Minuten Zeit, die Du einem Kind widmen kannst.

  • Teile dem Kind mit, dass Du x Minuten Wunschzeit anbietest.

  • Stelle einen Timer, damit Ihr beide wisst, wann es vorbei ist.

  • Schenke Deinem Kind Deine ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit und Begeisterung. (kein Multitasking, kein Telefon)

  • ÜBERLASSE DEM KIND DIE FÜHREN - Das Kind entscheidet, Du folgst

  • Kein Belehren und Erklären

  • Setze Grenzen nur bei unmittelbarer Gefahr.

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